Choosing a Rune Set: A Beginner’s Guide

Thinking about taking up the runes? Mastery of the runes can take many years, but it is not difficult for a beginner to learn the basics. (Much as young children can quickly learn their ABCs.) The first learning tool you’ll need is a rune set of your own, to begin familiarizing yourself with this ancient system of knowledge.

First, some background: Runes are archaic European letters used in magick and divination. The best-known runic alphabet is the Elder Futhark, which contains 24 symbols.There are other rune systems, such as the Younger Futhark, Northumbrian runes, and Witches’ runes. But most of the time, when people talk about reading runes, they are referring to the Elder Futhark, which fell out of use as an alphabet around the 8th century AD.

Each rune has a threefold meaning: A phonetic sound (as a letter of the alphabet), a mundane object or action that it stands for, and a mystical or abstract significance. Rune-casting—or reading the runes—is a way to activate intuition and gather information about the past, present and future. Runic symbols have powerfully condensed meaning. Sometimes, a single letter says something that paragraphs cannot.

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The Witches of the Craft staff are in search of a “spinning” Wheel of the Year. One designed in this manner, is  usually comprised of several layers of wooden circles with different aspects of the Pagan way of life (i.e., Sabats, current moon phase, current corresponding flora), and turns freely to change the settings.

   If you happen to have any information that would assist us in finding an item such as the example described above, please reach out to either @highpriestessladybeltane Lady Beltane, or her “Right Hand Witch”, @witchssanctum